Girls in my family are born dough-like, malleable soft, and nutty.
Pinch us in the right place and you’ll roll out a perfectly society-fearing, people-pleasing girl from the inside and playfully lively from the outside.
We are constantly asked to wear a brave face when socializing. It comes from family whether that is misogyny or patriarchy. Because most of the time these two words are synonymous.
I am still anxious when my daughter doesn’t cover her head during religious callings. I don’t either, but it has taken years of anxious determination, to stand up against the rules laid by patriarchy.
Even though my religion runs on matriarchal lineage and still managed to entirely change the trajectory to the strictest patriarchy.
I appreciate you stepping up and taking a stand👏🙏
P.S. What a thought provoking word play my friend ♥️